_ December. 24. x2007x (investor’s business daily liefern through newstex) — nasdaq stocks up an the open Friday and continued risingxx to end an their session height the nasdaq zuSamxxmengesetzt schwanken 1,9% to close juxSt.xshy of its 50-day moving averagexx, one day after retaking its 200-day line _ Options split epirationx led to sharp point into volumes ahead of following week’s holiday shortened week. _ a For the week, the nasdaq springxxen 2.1%. the tech heavy heavy nasdaq 100, up 2% on Friday, rose 2% for the week. _ Respironics RESPECTIVELY split up for 12,21 gain to record highly of 65,32 into solid handeln. _ royally Philips Electronics (nyse:PHG) offered $66 anteil, or aboutxx $5,1 Billxionx, for the Hersteller of sLeep more disorder medically devices. _ Navigators Group NAVG soared 3,34, or 5%, to closing highly of 64,99 in four times norxxmal turnover. the thinly handeln property and Unfall insurer willxx join the smallxx cap S&P 600 after the end of trading December. 31. _ xSt.xricycle SRCL climbed 1,27 to again highly of 61,32, clearing five week flat base in heavy volumes the a Versorger of medically waxSt.x and infection control services willxx its joining the nasdaq 100 on December. 24. _ RBC bearxxings roll split up, adding 3,04 to 41,78 to close an the top of its trading range for the week. the 8% jump ausgedehnt DonnerxSt.xg point up gains thatxx lifted the stock over its 50-day moving averagexx. the precision ballxx bearxxing Hersteller anteil its jetzt into the eight week of potential cupxx shaped base. _ a Micros Systems MCRS rose 2,89 to closing highly of 73,66 into xSt.xong volumes the point of sale transactionxx systems Hersteller its zurueckprallen von its 50-day moving averagexx, juxSt.belowx potential buy a point 15f 75.08th on DonnerxSt.xg, wedbush Morgan began coverxxing the stock with holdxx rating. _ ansys anSS split up to add 1,88 to close an 41,72, clearing seven week base in double usual actionxx. the stock’s D+ Accumulation/DixSt.ibutionx Rating, more however, indicates more inxSt.tutionxal investors haBen its selling rather thanxx buying anteil of the design software Hersteller central European DixSt.ibutionx CEDC advanced 3,39 to again highly of 59,50, clearing six week cupxx with high handle base in twice norxxmal handeln the dixSt.ibutorx of Spiritus and other beverages in Poland epectxs to completely its buy of Parliament Wodka in the firxSt.xquarter. analyxSt.x exSt.matex thatxx central European willxx grow fourth quarters profit by 48%. thatxx werden its its best since the December ‘ 04 period. newstex Identifikation: _ IBD-0001-21855037
_ originally published in the December 24, x2007x version of investor’s business daily.
_ _ Copyright (C) x2007x, investor’s business daily, Inc. all rights reserved. this article its protected through United States copyright law and May not its reproduced, dixSt.xibuted, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcaxSt.withouxt the prior written permissionxx of investor’s business daily, Inc.. _ you May do not change or remove any tradeMark, copyright or other notice von copy of the content.
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